North Central Region Directors-Retired
- Double J Campground
- 9683 Palm Road
- Chatham, IL 62629
- Liz 1-888-483-9998
- www.doublejcampground.com
- Pets ok?: Yes
- Pet Fee: $
- WiFi available: Yes
- WiFi Fee: $
- From: 6/15/2016 to: 6/19/2016
- Number of sites held: 50
- Registration is CLOSED, please ask to be put on a waiting list
- Site fee: $38.00 per night.
- Club Member Event fee:
- Non-Club Member fee:
- Potluck: Yes
- Potluck date:
- Potluck time:
- Event Leader: Herbiesrig(click to contact)
Additional Info:
More information to follow.
You can start making your reservations by contacting the park.
After your reservation has been made contact me so I can add your name to list.
1. Dan and Karen Halvorsen /1785/
2. Ken and Kathy Strong/1027/PAST Illinois Chapter Leader
3. Jim and Nancy Beletti/
4. Dave and Mary Hromek/1026/ Arrive 6-13
5. Bob and Connie Sims/ 2319/ arrive 6-14/ Site P109 (Ohio Chapter Leader)
6. John and Patti Hobert/1025/ Arrive 6-13 /Site 101
7. Jerry and Jaci Volden/ 1770 Arrive 6-13/
8. Jim and Claudia Pavalink /
9. Don and Cindy Gilbert/ 2757/ Arrive 6-14
10. Paul and Elaine Schmidt /2251/ Arrive 6-15/ Site 91 Illinois Chapter Leader
11. Bill and Barb Liming-Yellot/ Arrive /Site 94
12. Ken and Kathy AmRein/ 2757/ Arrive 6-15/
13. Jan and Cathy Daniels, Arrive 6-13
14. Ed and Ellen Crape/ Arrive 6-14
15. Bob and Gwen Beck/
16. James Lamont, Arrive 6/11
17. Steve Wilson, Arrive 6-13
18. Steve Bub/
19. Keith(Skip) and Carol VanDreist/2734/Arrive 6/13 - Depart 6/20
20. Mike Markus, Arrive 6-12
21. Claude Wilson/
22. Jim and Denise Fischer, Arrive6-13
23. Clarence and Jackie Miller, Arrive 6-14
24. Neil Weiss, Arrive 6-12
25. Dave and Karen Campbell, Arrive 6-14
26. Mike and Linda Kennedy, Arrive 6-13
27. Vic and Diana Ableson, Arrive 6-13
28. Roger and Bernita Terlunen, Arrive 6-13 site 144
29. Gerry and Debbie Atkinson, Arrive 6-13 Michigan Chapter Leader
30. Bob and Lin Schmid, Arrive: June 13
31. Kim and Dottie Miranda; Arrive June 14
32. Craig and Linda McKeever; Arrive June 13
33. Harold and Mollie Wall; Arrive 6-14
34. Jim and Donna Heibeck Arrive June 12
35. Terry and Jacki Spencer Arrive June 14 Wisconsin Chapter Leader
36. Reggie and Nancy Hromek, Arrive 6-13
37. Don Bonebright, Arrive 6-15
39. Mike and Diane Roberts, Arrive 6-13
40. Pam and Lyle Hesterman Arrive June 12 Indiana Chapter Leader
41. Roy and Sally Evans; Arrive 6-13
42. Nick and Darlene Hanck; Arrive 6-16
43. John and Donna Blyth; Arrive - 6- 16
44. Dennis and Jackie Bailey;
45. Roy and Brenda Hiebner;
46. Jim and Patty Murphy; arrive June 14
47. Tom & Millie Combs; arrive June 15
48. Don and Joanne Kettlewell; arrive June 13
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