Jim and Leslie, that sounds great! We are in site 199. Looking forward to seeing you there.Leslie and I will be there, with an arrival of 28 April and a departure of 1 May after the activities wrap up. We are set up for site 197 next to Byrd. Looking forward to a great rally! Hey Jim and Leslie, that sounds great!
Jim Pasch
Eric, Renee said to tell Dorothy to put her on the list to help.Just let her know what she needs to do.Big shoes to fill as Deb F. has always done such a great job organizing all of us for the pot lucks. I hope everyone will send info. on whatever you want to bring.We have the best food fests, Always!
Hmmmm... pot Luck. If anyone has some good tips for me, I am open for help.
Okay, Eric, time to sign us up