External speakers on Cyclone


Committed Member

Hello sir/ma'am or combination of the two!

I have a 2009 Cyclone with the external speakers (I believe they are called the JenX Marine Grade speakers). I am concerned with protecting the cones from damage from either tree branches or the disgruntled passerby who can easily poke a hole in them. I know my luck!

My question is this; Are there replacement speaker covers/grilles available that will provided that added protection? If so, can you provide the model/stock number so I can purchase and replace?

I received 3 copies of the owners/tech manual for the inside speakers but none for the externals so I don't have a model number to use.

I looked over the Jensen website but couldn't find what I was looking for.

Your assistance is much appreciated,



Active Member
Thank you for posting your concern regarding your JENSEN speakers. The existing grille is fixed to the basket of the speaker and is not removeable. In the case of damage, the entire speaker would need to be replaced.

We hope you enjoy your JENSEN products. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any further questions. You can post here at HeartlandOwners.org or visit us on our website at www.asaelectronics.com.

JENSEN & Voyager Tech Support Team
