I also wanted to let you all know about one of our Heartland brothers who had plans to attend but had to cancel due to health reasons.... with Gary Meekins' (Chickie) permission, I am letting you know that he has been diagnosed with lung CA and will undergo a partial lung removal tomorrow (8/6). I am sending out a request for prayers and thoughts that ultimately his health will be restored and the news for him after surgery will be good. Gary welcomes all extra prayers... and I do believe in the power of prayer!!! So please think of him tomorrow as he undergoes his procedure.
Thanks everybody!
Momma & I have been up to the hospital the last couple of evenings to see "The Chief" (Retired CPO) and are happy to tell you that he seems to be doing extremely well, considering. They moved him out of the ICU on Monday (10th) and if all goes as planned he will be headed home on Friday (14th).
I've offered numerous times to roll his chair/bed up into the Cyclone so he could join us at the Rally but I keep getting those strange, no, mean looks from Karen (Chickie)!! I have new tie-downs and everythng!!
Thank you to all for the many prayers and well wishes for Gary's (RetiredCPO) recovery.
He is home and enjoying his new chair and old friend the XBOX Live.
He is now Cancer Free. He is in good health, very sore and has the aide of pain meds.
Truknutt [Dave] and Nona have been such good friends to watch over us.
It is true what Dave says, he did offer to put us up in the garage of the cyclone. However, he also said, if you two even think of eating the ice cream, I will have to "tie you both down". Hmmm...tie-downs and everything, well of course I gave the look.
We are thinking of you all and wish you all a great weekend.None