They are pretty complicated until you do it a few times. I'll try to explain it but it may be no better than the manual, w/o photos. The red tabs are to lock the rod from extending or collapsing. 1st You have to open the red tabs to shorten the rod, to release it from it's locked position. Mine are very tight and I was afraid they would break the 1st time I tried it. Once shortened, you lock the tabs again so the whole rod will slide out beyond the end of the awning. Once outside the awning, the whole rod pivots 90 degrees toward the back of the trailer. The knobs on the end act as the knucle or piviot. The rod is composed of three segements so you extend the rod at two points, with the buttons and with the red tabs, enough to reach the sockets mounted on the back of the trailer. Use the red tabs to adjust tension and to level up the awning.