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Well-known member
...And, in the Clermont area saw a Landmark pulling into a campground but did not notice the name of it...:)

If that Landmark was being pulled by a paint-matched Volvo tractor with a black Smart Car on the back of it, that would be Bob and Christina (seamo). They had just left the Tampa show for Clermont for a month, then headed to Key West for another month.



retired u s army
Am at island retreat rv park in gulf shores alabama, There are 5 big hornes in the park, and about 3 other heartland products. Having a great time


We left Texas State Park..South Llano River a few days ago and there were two Big Horns at the was the camp host. Just finished a 3 week Texas State Parks tour and saw a Big Horn at nearly every park and many along the I-10 and in the Rio Grand valley...we are on our way back to St. David, AZ for the rest of the winter.


NE Reg Dir Retired
Myrtle Beach

We are going to Ocean Lakes, Myrtle Beach arriving April10th. Anyone going to be in the area? Being new to the group we would love to talk with other active Heartland Owners. Ocean Lakes is where we made our 1st Bighorn sighting and fell in love - Thanks to who ever let me tour their rig!


Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
Sundance and Bighorn spotted

We were on our way home from Myrtle Beach yesterday and spotted a Sundance headed towards Myrtle Beach on hwy 76/301 near Florence,SC also saw a Bighorn headed towards Myrtle Beach on I-95 also near Florence,SC.


Active Member
Sundance just north of Puerta Vallarta, Mexico

I was heading to the Puerto Vallarta airport last Sunday, April 5th and saw a Sundace just north of the airport, heading north. I was a little surprised, but there are lots of people at rv parks in Mexico. I guess whoever you are, you were snowbirding back north to home.


Active Member
Currently at Hocking Hills KOA outside of Logan, OH. First time in this part of Ohio but we are already planning to return in the fall. The scenery and rock formations are awesome. On the way down we stayed in Auburn, IN. We were one of three Bighorns in that park.



Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
We arrived at Ocean Lakes CG in Myrtle Beach,SC Thursday night around 6:00 pm.Already we have seen 2 Cyclones ,a Sundance and 1 beautiful,2005 CLASSIC Mt.Rushmore,Landmark. Of course it is ours. While we were setting up a couple walked by and commented on how shiney it was and that they were looking at buying a Bighorn. After all my hard work of waxing this spring,that made me feel really good that someone noticed.If you are in the area come by and look us up.


Saw two Bighorns at Sandy Shores Park, Manistique, MI. On County Road 149 just before County Rd 455. I left a club card at each location but received no response.


Legendary Member
When we pulled into the park here in Arkansas, I saw a Bighorn 3670. I went down and spoke with the man there and gave him a club card. There was a Cyclone also but no one was around it.


X-Rookies Still Luving it
We are now in Leavenworth, WA at the Icicles RV Park, listening to the Rogue River sounds. We just met up here with 2 other campers from the Winchester Rally in OR, one of them is a Bighorn owner, Dave and Kathy Timpone (dtvista) and SOB's Troy and Carol Ratliff. This is a cool place as Leavenworth is a touristy Bavarian village with lots of desserts and restaurants and too many people. Very nice campground, and no satellite, as there are moocho trees surrounding us. The DW will just have to put up with my rambling LOL. On to Lake Pleasant RV Park in Bothell, WA on Monday.


Retired Gunslinger
Razor Sighting

I was WB on Idaho 55 in Marsing, ID when a white Chev dually towing a 3110 Razor pulled on to the highway from US 95. Good looking rig!!!


Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
Got home today from our annual family trip to Ocean Lakes Campground in Myrtle Beach,SC. We had a wonderful,safe trip.Great weather,great food.Lots of laughs and great memories made with our family and friends.We saw some Cyclones,Bighorns, North Countrys and North Trails,and of course, our Landmark.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Was camping at Caney Creek Resort in Harriman, TN this weekend where there was also a Sundance, Big Horn and Big Country also camping. The Sundance and Big Horn was setup as a seasonal campsite but the Big Country was not. Finally found someone coming out of the BC and stopped to talked with them. Found out that this was only their second time out in the 3500 just getting it a couple of months ago. The young man works for a car dealership in southeast TN where the BC had been traded in for a car (go figure). He said nobody knew what it was worth so he made an offer and the dealership said sold. What a way to get a Heartland!!!! :)


Past South Carolina Chapter Leader
Saw a Landmark on Hwy 31 heading south, just outside Myrtle Beach around 10:30 this morning (Saturday). It was being pulled by a white Chevy (I think).
The Landmark decal was a little faded so I was trying to read it and not paying attention to TV


Prolifically Gabby Member
Back from Indian River

We just got back from our site at Indian River. Spent the last 10 days up there. Decent weather for most of it. We'll be heading back up next weekend for two weeks with my sister and her husband. They've got an older Golden Falcon.


Well-known member
Over the Fourth of July weekend at Mark Twain Landing near Hannibal/Moberly Missouri there was a Landmark, Big Horn and our Big Country. I can't believe after finding this forum how much we watch each fifth-wheel to see if it is a Heartland. I think it is the beginning of a new race to see which one spots a Heartland first. Bacaye


smithfield nc 12/06/ 09

going to the KOA at smithfield nc for 3 or 4 days . Going to do some christmas shopping at the outlets an visit some family . Any heartlands going to be around .