Half time ove / microwave replacement

We have a 09 BH 3670RL the appolo half time oven microwaves motor shaft has broken. Tried gluing it back with a 24 hour cure time but lasted only 3 days. Has any one else replace a motor or is it easier to replace the whoe unit?:confused:


Well-known member
We have the same 09 BH 3670RL, we went through 2 half-time ovens and then switched to their microwave. It did not last either, so we switched too a dometic micro wave. The only problem is the face plate doe not work. We bought the face plate with the dometic, but had to re-work the opening. Which is hard to match the stain, we got close but not exact. I still have the old pc. we took out, plan on making new ones when I get back home. We used plywood because we where in Tenn. and short on time and had to leave.
Thanks Tankie can't just chane out an appliance in an rv can we. We are in Rawlings, WY nothing here but a refinery and the Rail Road so I will wate till we get back to Texas. Glend loves that half time feature and uses more propane cooking now. thanks for the info.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Make this your first phone call Monday morning, if Cari Sammons doesn't respond to your post first. From what I've seen around here, they're about as pro-active as they can be. Fortunately, I've not needed their assistance so far.

Midwest Sales (Apollo Half-Time)

Bobby A

Well-known member
I have read a post of someone finding an exact fit with a replacement halftime/microwave, can't remember who it was or what they got though. If my mind serves me correctly I think they got it at JC Penny but not exactly sure. You might be able to do a search and get the info, my searches never come up with what I'm looking for, you might have better luck or someone else with a better memory might chime in hear with the answer.