

Prolifically Gabby Member
Just sitting on the front porch waiting for the trick or treaters to partake of the goodies we have. Windy and rainy, I might be OD'ing on chocolates the next few days. Them Snicker's Squares are mighty tasty!


Well-known member
Cheers to that. DW has the kiddies out trick or treating and I'm taking a break from packing. Got the new house keys today and we move tomorrow. Finally room to park the TT at home.


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
It's still early here. We are in California and the weather is good.
Probably about 2 more hours before the kiddies start showing up. I hope we get a fairly good turnout, because DW bought about 10 lbs of candy! :eek: Trace


Well-known member
We leave Iowa and go to Florida each year. We walk the beach daily and pick up sea shells. Tonight we put a box of shells out and let the kids pick some out. They loved the idea, and so did the parents.