How do you grill when camping?


Well-known member
Jim, Debbie eta I izan Weber Q220 (edo da 220 da) erabiliz. Dena den, gauza maite dugu. Nahiz eta bero bide guztien inguruan. Erraza garbitzeko. Heavy betebeharra, hau eztainua zigilatu ez. Bigarren mailako azpilak ez da pisu asko onartzen da arazo bakarra aurkitu dut. Horietako beefing Tad bat begiratu dut. Beste baino oraindik I 5 Flaming briquettes luke!Eta bai armarria zure elikagaien ideia handia olio batzuk eta zure gozagarri dira sukaldaritza da.Eta saltsa bazara guztiak erabiliz, joera batzuk ez makila papera itzulbiratu jartzea grate on nuke.Carmelized barbakoa saltsa baino hobeto ez.egin duzunean bakarrik biratu papera gainean ertzak eta zure janaria zerbitzatu plater jarri papera eta saltsa batera egosteko_Oh bai, ez du minik zure haragia parrillan 5 minutu parrilla itzali eta estalkia buruz gainerako utzi.Bakearen.

What's this? Secret language?

I still like the smell of Briquettes when someone is using them in a campground....



Had the roadtrip but bought the Weber Q 3 trips ago, used it each time, and I like it a lot more than the Coleman. We haven't been able to use an actual fire or charcoal grill in TX since I can't remember when (burn bans everywhere) so this is all we use when alone.

Usually we go camping with another couple and my friend has an old plow disc, the center hub was filled and welded up smooth so you can't tell there was a hole there and two horseshoes welded opposite each other for handles so we use this as our make shift wok. You can cook dang near anything on it, just clean it with some paper towels and rock salt.
He has a full size propane tank and a stand to put the wok on. American Ingenuity at work :)


Well-known member
Whoa! Garlic heads and garlic bread?? Whadda you doing, watching a "Twilight" and "True Blood" marathon??


We had an after the rally, rally potluck in Michigan and I was bringing spaghetti and meatballs. What better side than yummy garlic bread. I used 2 huge loafs of bread with each cut in half - so about 40 pieces. It was all gone at the end of the meal :)


Staff member

We had an after the rally, rally potluck in Michigan and I was bringing spaghetti and meatballs. What better side than yummy garlic bread. I used 2 huge loafs of bread with each cut in half - so about 40 pieces. It was all gone at the end of the meal :)
Aw man....I knew we should have stayed. Sounds yummy.
