How to Join the Club and a Chapter


Well-known member
As of this post date, there is no formal signup to join the Heartland Owners Club or to join a chapter.

Let's consider this interim period, as a "getting to know each other" / "comfort" period.

We'll begin to organize chapters and informally gather. Then later this winter or spring, we'll formalize the club with actual membership, benefits etc.



Active Member

Hi Jim: Bieng a newbie to fthe orum and picking up my Bighorn from the factory soon, 3400rl,I was wonderinf\g if you had any clubs you are working on for calif.
Thank you, Burt Mills and Peggy Mills


Well-known member
Hi Burt and Peggy,

No club chapters in Cal yet. Just waiting for one or more people to step up as volunteers to lead the chapters there.

That being said, if you are interested in camping with other Heartland product owners in Cal, please consider choosing a weekend and a location, make your reservations, have the CG hold back a few more sites for you and let's advertise that here on the forum and see if you get more people wanting to meet up and camp with you.

That's a great way to get a chapter started. Then someone at the gathering can step up.



Founding Canadian Region Director - Retired
Canadian Chapter Or Ontario Chapter

I hope this is Ok to do and I dont know if it is the correct thread.
We are presently in Port Isabel TX and will be in Tx till the end of March 08.
We are live in Amherstburg ON near Windsor Ontario. Are there any Canadians in SWOnt or Ontario interested in a Chapter? We are interested in having one so send and email if anyone is interested!
Thanks and Regards
Wayne & Gayle
Ontario Chapter response!

Hi Wayne and Gayle,

I am very new to this outfit and indeed have just placed an order for an '08 Dodge 3500 4x4, Quad Cab SRW Short be here in late May...then we plan to hook on to a Bighorn 3600RL. I will likely place the order for that in about 3 weeks...Sooo..we would definitely be interested in an Ontario Chapter, as we live in Waterloo, ON. How's the weather in Texas? We have friends down there now. I believe they are on South Padre Island as we speak!

Dwight and Maureen None


Well the weather here in George West, TX today (1-24-08) is cold to us. 40*, cloudy and light rain, cold wind. We could really use some rain, just don't like the cold.
Supposed to stay this way for a day or so, then be back to normal. 70* daytime and 50* at nighttime.
Ontario Chapter response/ Texas weather

Hi Jim,

I assume you were replying to my question about your weather. Even 40 F would be good here. It's about 20F and about -8C here in Waterloo..with about 6 inches of snow on the ground...but plenty of glorious sunshine. Do you live in Texas..or just a winter haunt?

Dwight and Maureen None


HI Dwight and Maureen,

Yep, Texas born and Texas bred. No other place like home, except when your traveling these beautiful United States of America and Canada seeing all the beautiful country that is out there in your Heartland 5er.

I agree! We are very fortunate to live in North America. While we have travelled briefly to places like Florida, California, Texas, Arizona and Tennessee, we are really looking forward to spending more time in these and other states. We are originally from Saskatchewan in western Canada. In fact being from Texas and probably the most football crazy state in the union you iht appreciate that Saskatchewan is the most football crazy province in Canada. The Saskachewan Roughriders..just won the Canadian football championship..called the Grey Cup.
Anyway we have traveled the west extensively..but we would like to spend time in the eastern and maritime provinces of Canada. Maybe we'll meet up some time along the road!



Well-known member
The North Texas Chapter will welcome you neighbor.

Our CampOut/ Meeting is March 28/29 At the Vineyards in Grapevine Tx.

Look on our club site


Well-known member

We have no OK chapter at this time. Feel free to join (no formal process at this time) any chapter. See Cooper's invitation to you. Try to make his rally.

We are new , just took possession of a North Trail. Ee live in southwest MO.
Anything going on as far as a club in this area?

Gary & Carolyn


Well-known member
Gary & Carolyn we are wanting to start a Missouri Chapter. We also live
in Southwest Missouri.


No State

Let me ask this then. Since we will soon be full-timing and traveling the entire US during different periods, can the wife and I just attend any of the rallies we happen to be near at the time or do we need to join a chapter somewhere throughout the US?


Well-known member

You need not declare a home chapter. Feel free to attend any rally across North America. We'd love to meet up with you somewhere.


Forrest Fetherolf

Senior Member
Let me ask this then. Since we will soon be full-timing and traveling the entire US during different periods, can the wife and I just attend any of the rallies we happen to be near at the time or do we need to join a chapter somewhere throughout the US?


You are welcome to attend the Las Vegas Rally Sept 26-28. I have attached the rally flyer....................hope to see you there.

Forrest - Nevada Chapter Leader

// Owners Rally.pdf (78.7 KB, 1 views)


Founding New Mexico Chapter Leader
IT'S HERE! Tuesday 07-16-08 at 1440 hours [2:40pm] EST I received my Heartland owners plak by US Priority looks good can't wait to install it TRAVELER07