Hydraulic slides

This weekend as we started our camping experience I noticed the Kitchen Slide on my 3670 did not operate in its normal order. It has always been the second slide to move, this time it did not operate until the other 3 slides were out. Whne I retracted the slides the kitchen was again lagging its normal order of closing. Anyone see this happen to their rig?



Well-known member
Slide Order

Yes, I see it sometimes. It must have something to do with the amount of fluid in the lines and pressure. It is no big deal, as long as they all go in and out. Generally, ofcourse, the ones closest to the pump will go out first, but mine reacts differently at times.


Well-known member
Yes, at times they change the order they move back and forth...

I know my Horn is testing me....

seeing if I am paying attention...

I just chuckle at it... mumble at a low breath...

Never loud enough to risk a more serious test !!!


Well-known member
I think it may have to do with weight, size,and friction. I believe the slide with the least resistance will be the first to move followed by the one with the next least will move next. thats just my idea of how it works. JON :cool: :cool: :cool:


Prolifically Gabby Member
Supposedly, the four black knobs on the hydraulic unit (3670) are there to allow you to select which slide you want to operate and/or leave in. So far, with mine it does not seem to matter which knob you've turned in, they all operate. But, it's parked on site for the summer and the slides are all left out.


Arkansas Chapter Leader-Retired
I don't know if it has anything to do with it or not, but check the knobs on the control unit and see if all of them are opened up all the way. Mine did not open in normal order one time and it was because the kitchen know was not opened all the way.
