Ok, let me ask the question again. What is the proper procedure to drain the fresh water tank. I thought I knew how, but it wont drain. What could be the possible cause? Bob
You have to open the fresh water tank drain cock which on most of the coaches is located next to the black/grey tank drain where it comes through the underbelly. I know on the Big Countries the fresh drain is just "T'd" into the line that goes from the tank to the pump. Sometimes this is not the lowest point on the tank, thus leaving residual water in the tank. If you can get the trailer leaning toward the DS and slightly lower in the front (unless you have/had your tank shimmed) you will maximize the amount of water drained.
Rubiconag, thanks for the help. I wish the owners manual was a little better. Now answer this if you can. Just what do the low point drains, drain? Then the fresh water drain is the one on the left side middle of the coach. White plastic hose. Ok, I will try it again. Thanks Bob
The low point drains only drain the water lines. The gravity tank drain is on the off door side coming through the belly. It has a valve on it. I have difficulties draining my tank also. It tends to develop a sagging bottom so the nose of the trailer has to been lowered significantly to get it totally drained.
Why don't you unscrew the drain plug for the hot water heater, then pop the pressure releaf valve. With the pump on the fresh water tank drains in no time. We're talking serious flow here, not a trickle.
Thanks Vango, you know my bottom saggs too. In the morning I will give it a whirl. I just want to get all the old water out. Ray, the other Ray, you mean run a fauset and hook up the drain hose? Bob
I wish i understood what u guys are talking about. The dealer filled up the fresh water tank one third a month ago and I just read in my manual that it needs to be dumped every month and replaced. Guess i will wait till the socal rally next month to let the pros show me where the drain is and the best way to drain then refill.
If you guys are real serious about using the fresh water tank. Roll up you sleeves and lets get to work. When the tank is empty pull the bottom off. (its really not that difficult and you just have to take off whats under the tank) and "shim" up the door side of the tank opposite the pump pickup. You can raise that side of the tank approximately 2 inches. I used a 2X4 and slide it a foot or so in from the end. You will be able to figure it out when you are under there. Gravity will now take that water and send it to the pump intake. NOW when you are camped and even some what un-level the water will always go to the pump. NOW you can put as little as 5 gallons in the tank and it will let your pump do its job. NOW when you drain you tank most of it will come out. Simplest and best fix since TimK's TENT IN THE VENT.
If you have water in the tank..open the valve you see on the off door side, underneath, attached to a short hose. The UDC is were the valves are that enables you to use the water pump to power drain , that hose is also underneath and almost or is drectly underneath the UDC....Ken
Howdy, listen to Retired, he knows of what he speaks.
Unfortunately those big flat tanks need a little TLC and adjustment to drain properly.
Crash, you really need to keep that tank clean, use a little bleach and keep it drained when in storage. Make up a list and some body at the rally will go over every thing you have questions about.......................
Roger I thought all the '09s had 2 smaller fresh water tanks and the water glitches and drain stuff was corrected. I guess I'm thinking with the smaller tanks if the trailer is level should be a none issue,filling or draining....Ken
Ok guys, the mystery is solved. I finally found the drain hose. It was up inside the under belly. The hole was there but it was still stuffed up inside. I pulled it out and NOW it is draining as we speak. Thanks for all the help. Bob
Chris at Heartland factory told me today my drain hoses are red and blue and nearby and under the front door. Thats the diff according to him on the 2009 bh.
Just watered up my Sundance yesterday for the first trip and seems I had 1/3 of a tank before I could get water to come out of the drain . Sure makes it tough to flush out the tank. You would think with alittle common sense they would know the drain has to be at the lowest point.
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