Identifying cracked rim


Man was hoping to take our new to us 325 torque on first trip next week and while inspecting tire for load range I noticed one of my rims is cracked.
Was going to try and replace the 6 yearl old tires this week but now have to figure out if I can get a replacement. Will have to inspect all the rims tomorrow closely make sure rest are good
Anyone know maker or brand style etc of this rim or who to call? I tried calling heartland but could only hold for so long before having to get back to work


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Staff member
Contact Tredit Tire. They supply the tires and wheels to Heartland.
I believe your rims have a warranty.
Tredit (800) 537-2925.



I called tredite they directed me to fill out warranty form online with proof of purchase of the trailer. The gentleman I spoke to didn’t sound sure on phone about questions I asked so I might call back

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So here is where I stand. Called desire and they directed me to reach out to sister company to buy one.
I emailed them (they have no phone number) and inquired if they had a certain rim that matched mine.
Gentlemen informed me my current time was a T07 which they don’t have but gave me a link to a close match and I ordered it.
About hour later I realized the one I ordered was a 7” width wheel and mine was a 6”. The one I had inquired about originally was a 6”.
I emailed them back within 2 hours to cancel the order as it’s wrong size. We will see what comes of it.
In meantime I took the cracked rim off trailer and put the spare on. All tires were made in 2015 and working on getting them all replaced. Tire place is only 6 miles away so keeping fingers crossed.
I did see on the back the wheel has stamped sendel ,T07 16x6 , max load 3750. So I have been very frustrated with all this as I was trying to take a trip end of next week. If any of this info helps others then posting on this site was worth it.
My last trailer was a Sundance and sold it last year to get a fw.





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Well-known member
I ordered one online, I think from the RecStuff site on this search:

I couldn't find my original 2009 bill of sale on the trailer to satisfy Tredit tire.


I was able to order it through discount tire. I called them up and they are having it shipped to their store and pay when I pick it up. It was $175

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