Importing rv to Canada


Well-known member
We are wondering if anybody has bought an RV in the U.S. and imported to Canada. What was the experience like.
Looking forward to your response.


Well-known member
Most RV imports are fairly straight forward, following Registry of Imported Vehicle (RIV) processes - link here. This is the Federal process; check your local provincial registry requirements as well, Alberta (my province) also requires an "out of province" inspection to be completed for registration.

RVs have a VIN, so are considered a vehicle, whether motorized or not (motorhome vs pull type).

My experience importing vehicles is pretty good, IF all the paperwork is completed and you are organized.

To check the vehicle admissibility list click here. This is first check, then follow the process.

There can be no modifications to safety features, ie suspension, even if it is an "improvement"; in general the safety features must be as-built/as-delivered by the manufacturer. I got caught on this one once with a vehicle that had modifications to suspension (lowering springs).

Make sure you also understand the US export regulations and requirements, in addition to the Canadian Import requirements - this information is also on the first link above.

If the RV is used, a recall clearance letter has to be supplied from the original manufacturer, difficult for some RVs as the original manufacturer may be out of business - bankrupt, or bought out by another manufacturer.

If the RV is more than 15 years old, RIV does not apply - vehicles more than 15 years old are exempt from the federal RIV program. Only provincial requirements for registration are then required.

Hope this helps,