Kinda depends on your diet and if you really need to put the bathroom under negative pressure while using it.
For us, the small fan is adequate, along with a generous dose of bathroom spray.
It's funny how the fan pulls the spray up and out of the BR.
turn on fan before creating green cloud, turn off when done. Then use the spray.
I had an idea several years ago after talking to a plumbing inspector at a city where I worked. He suggested building a toilet with a built-in exhaust fan in the under side of the toilet bowl, the part that the toilet seat sits on. He suggested a pressure switch on the seat that would turn the fan on when a person sits down. The odors would be trapped in the bowl and exhausted through piping through the roof.
Turn on fan before creating green cloud, turn off when done. THEN use the spray.
John, If your that lethal, maybe you should get one of these.