Matt at Continuous Resources is a nice guy to deal with for many things solar.
BattleBorns are available for the same price from either BattleBorn direct or through Continuous Resources, but CR has a partnership with the guy on facebook Brian Boone and there is a discount code worth $25 per battery.
For everything I bought I sourced through multiple vendors either for cost or availability.
BattleBorn for tech info
Continuous Resources - for panels, BattleBorn batteries, panel fuses and brackets. Because I was the first customer to use order the newest tilt brackets I got them at a substantial discount (9 panels) Plenty of tech help back and forth with products I did not purchase from Matt
AM SOLAR - Rooftop combiner box (way overpriced), 10/2 duplex round cables with UV (pricey but good for the roof and sealing combiner box strain reliefs)
Northern Arizona Wind - nice, smaller breaker box and breakers for the panels
Amazon- best for 4/0 welding cable, 10 gauge MC-4 connectors and a variety of misc items
West Marine - anything else that was a crossover item (and I get vendor pricing)
I get no benefit or gain out of any of the above, just passing on where I had good results.
If you are planning on SOLAR, this may be the last year for the renewable energy credits (at least until the New Green Deal takes effect )
The 30% tax credit can be significant when you start pricing multiples of things. And it includes everything required to make the project complete. Just the batteries, that gives me almost 6 batteries for the price of 4, something to consider if you don't mind waiting for your return.
Great info - thanks Duane.