Past South Carolina Chapter Leader
My pin stabilizer did nothing to reduce movement so I turned it into this:

I have used a aluminum tripod, which does stabilize the RV. It is difficult to use if you have a TrailAir hitch-pin. I built the attached landing jack stabilizers for under $40, they are lighter, permanently attached, no storage space required, and under a minute to tighten. You can buy similar jack stabilizers online for $369 or more. After using both, I prefer to landing jack stabilizers.
My pin stabilizer did nothing to reduce movement so I turned it into this:
I had one and gave it away. Didn't make any difference and a big hassle to lug around and set up. We are going to get the JT stabalizers this year. I have heard that they do make a difference. Could use some help here, do they really work or will they be like the tripod?????
Al, You'll love em. Kenny made me getem. But they aren't cheep !!!!