L2 Low?


Well-known member
Hi. First let me wish you a Merry Christmas. I was outside a few minutes ago and happened to notice that the surge guard had a blinking red light on it and the readouts said RV ON L1 123V
Then it said L1 123V 3A L2 LOW We are using very little electric right now because it is 65* and light sprinkle outside. The surge protector has shown a steady reading for L1 and L2 ever since we have been here. Does this sound like anything important or should I just wait until morning to look at it again. I am thinking that it is just a slight fluctuation in power from the park because while I was out there it did read L2 normally for a few seconds off and on. Then the red light would start blinking again. Thanks Tom


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Sounds like intermittent low voltage on one leg of power. Have the RV park check the output from the 50 amp plug.


Staff member
Tom, if the voltage dropped below the low voltage cut off, the fault will show.
If the fault is still on the readout, to clear it just turn off the breaker at the pedestal and then back on.
That will reset any faults.
If it continues to be a problem, then do what others have said and have the park maintenance check it out.
I had that happen one time. Low voltage, normal, low voltage, normal. Turned out it was a bad breaker at the pedestal.



Well-known member
Thanks! I went out this morning and reset the breaker on the pedestal. As it was counting up the seconds to restart I got to thinking that maybe I should have left well enough alone. Half the power would be better than if it didn't kick on at all. Then it kicked on and has been reading normally ever since. I think L1 is a volt or two higher than L2 all of the time. Nice to know that the Surge Guard is doing it's job. Tom


Well-known member
After turning on the breaker, it always takes a minute or two before it sends power to the coach. Never plug it in or un-plug it with the circuit breaker on.