Hi folks,
Well today makes it 4 weeks to the day from my lumbar spinal fusion surgery. Never thought I would see this day, on July 1, when they splayed me open and cleaned out the mess in my back, and made me the titanium man. I was lucky enough to find a physiatrist ( pain and rehab doc) over 2 weeks ago, who decided he would make me his top priority to bring me back from being morphine man to a drug and pain free patient. I had lost so much hope and was almost resigned to be living on pain pills forever, as I have been fighting off this surgery for almost a year, like so many of you others, who have severe back pain. Some of these pain med docs have no clue what they are doing by giving epidurals and facet joint injections, and when they fail, leaving you addicted to morphine and oxycodone, and other powerful painkillers. The sickest part of this story is that once you decide to go through with the spinal fusion, most of these idiots, even the famous ones, desert you, as they failed to inform you that they don't have hospital privileges, and release you to search and hopefully find a caring physiatrist who will work with you post-surgery, to resume your life, especially RV'ing. It became clear that keeping up and building my strength by continuing physical therapy during the rehab process was by far the hardest part, but saved me. When tested for strength, he was pleasantly surprised that I was almost at full power due to my continuing painful therapy, and a smile crossed his face and he gave me a big thumbs up. The doc told me that most patients like me just lay in bed enduring pain and suffering, and lose their power forever. Once atrophy occurs, you are in a world of s**t, that at age 55 and up, it is virtually impossible to regain lost strength.
Now the difficult part. My receptors were full of all those pain meds, and I had to dedicate myself to slowly, but surely, remove myself from their powerful addiction. Thanks to all of my fellow Heartlanders, who stayed on top of me, and called, emailed, PM'd and just plain encouraged me, it is working. I can now say I am completely off of morphine, yea, and am being weaned from methadone for the long term pain, and oxycodone for the break thru pain, due to the eleven inch cut in my lower back, that is almost completely healed. No more shooting pains down my legs, or my back, just a bad charlie horse in my left leg that will eventually go away, and the superficial burning in my back, as the crushed nerves slowly but surely, are showing signs of life, thank you very much. Hooray, I say, there is a God. In 2 more weeks I will be off of methadone, which I must admit, helped me kick the morphine habit, and the oxycodones will be replaced for a couple of weeks with vicodin. Within a month, I have been promised to be totally pain meds free, as long as I continue the physical therapy 3 times a week which releases endorphins easing the pain, and walk, walk and walk some more. Today I walked around the block for the first time, and I am ready to throw the walker away, thank you Randy. The neighbors must have thought I was crazy when I threw my fists up in the air and declared victory is mine. Well, maybe not yet, but I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had to give up BLT's, (bending, lifting and twisting) for 6 months, but that is a small price to pay to have my life back. My kids are so proud of me, and all my local buddies can't believe all the improvement.
For those of you who are to chicken to go through spinal fusion, please check with me, it's not worth living in pain all the time. I mean you Rolling Home (Tom Aldridge), it is worth it. The secret is to work hard in physical therapy to keep and build up your strength, and believe in yourself. Go to a neurosurgeon who has performed spinal fusions hundreds of times successfully, and go for it, then spend another week in a rehab hospital working your butt off! Thanks again for making me your mascot, and believing in me. I have read all 53 of the posts on this thread hundreds of times, and it has given me the strength to continue on.
See you all at my 2nd Annual So Cal Fall Rally in Buellton, CA Oct. 15-17th, 2010, where you will see me walking erect and upright, for the first time in a year, without any physical support, except my 2 feet.