Hi Heartland friends,
We are one week away from the 1 year anniversary Feb 8-10 of my last, #3 and most extensive lumbar 360 degree (stomach and back incisions) back fusion, L-4-5, L5 S1, the 2nd fusion was July 2010, and 1st back operation began my oddysey in Aug 2009.
Just wanted to say the last month and a half, I just went for it, and so far I have lost 25lbs. since Dec 17, 2011. I have another 55 lb. to go, but at least I am making headway. I have set up probably the hardest workout schedule in my life, but it is getting me where I want to be, slowly but surely. I have given up all sugar products that aren't natural, and all canned and processed foods as well that have high fructose corn syrup or preservatives like dextrose, sucrose, maltodexin, etc. bread in general, but sometimes can eat some sprouted bread. I have given up red meat, and pork, and if I ever eat any of those staples again it will be grass fed, free range, no anti biotics so all I am now eating is fruits, veggies, nuts, and eggs, brown rice and vegetarian beans, with some boneless, skinless organic chicken. I work out 8-9 hours a week including cardiac rehab(totally cardio), physical therapy (core strengthening and stretching), pool therapy (balance and learning how to walk and get up with 2 lumbar vertabraes fused), and lots of walking. One of the secrets I learned was when you are bedridden like I was for 2 yrs, all my mucles have tightened up dramatically, so I spend a lot of time stretching and groaning, lol.
Anyway, my back is slowly fusing, and all this exercise and good eating is just so I can give living one more shot. I am 90% pain med free, 75% pain free and its been a rough 2-3 yrs, but even in pain I am making great progress. Hopefully by summer, I can talk my DW into buying another Heartland RV. I told her I loved the Mesa Landmark layout, it is just the best, except in her mind it is way too big, almost 40". Can anyone suggest a similar floor plan to dream about in the 30-32" range, Big Horn or whatever, if I can just get my body to listen to me, lol I wanna RV. If there is anyone in CA that wants to rent their or a friends rig for a month or 2 towards end of summer 2012, please get in contact with me.
Thanks again for everyone's support, it has been awesome and inspiring and I hope that my recovery keeps chuggin along, so we can take up all the camping offers around the country so I can meet and thank each Heartland friend one at a time. Also, I hope that my long story has helped anyone suffering from back problems. Feel free to PM or email me if you need some advice or just want to share.
Larry and Debbi