Las Vegas to Portland


Icantre Member
We're going to find ourselves in the Las Vegas area in a couple of weeks, heading north back to Portland after a visit to the Grand Canyon. I'm trying to decide the best route to take from there to hook up with 395. North through the desert to Tonopah, or South on 15 to Barstow? Don't think I want to visit Death Valley in early October. Suggestions and advice appreciated.


Well-known member
Well we just did that drive too, We left the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and went to Cedar City Utah. Then tool I-15 through Vegas and into Barstow. Jumped on CA-99 north and spent a couple nights in Three Rivers CA and visited Sequoia and Kings Canyon, Then continued north to Williams and took Hwy 20 through Clear Lake to the 101 up the redwoods hwy and stopped by Crater Lake and then back to the I-5 to get to Portland and our new "home" in Gig Harbor WA.


Hey Alan and Sandy,

We just came from Silverton, OR down I-5 to Gold Hill KOA near Medford for two nights, then to Woodland, OR for two nights and are now in Bakersfield at a beautiful Bakersfield Resort for the weekend before heading on into Hemet, CA on Monday.

The stretch of I-5 from Woodland to Bakersfield was bone jarring to say the least. Absolutely terrible highway. Many signs along the way about the "Congress created Dust Bowl" due to water regulations. Still we saw many almonds, pistachios, olives, grapes, and other fruits/vegetables being grown.

Had a few 5% and 6% grades but with our MaxBrake controller and the new disc brakes, no problems. Thank goodness for IS also. After yesterday's journey into Bakersfield, I think we would have had a broken spring or two after the many bumps and potholes we suffered. Anyone taking I-5 from Sacramento to Bakersfield, be very cautious. Saw an 18-wheeler have a blow out on an inside rear tire in front of us. Scared the you-know-what out of us. We were far enough back not to be a problem for us. Driver kept on trucking for a couple of miles to next truck stop!

Alan, sorry to read about your RV mishap. A good service center can do wonders with fiberglass. Best wishes for getting her all ship shape again. Enjoy the beautiful Pacific NW.


Well-known member
Yeah, some of those Cali Hwy are horrible, but we stayed off of the I-5 except for a few hours from Manteca north through Sacramento and on to Williams. CA Hwy 99 was okay, but the traffic was crazy with lots of Aggie trucks. The 101 is a better road, but is not "truck friendly" many tight curves and no truck stops.


Well-known member
Take the 15 to Barstow then the 58 to Kramer junction, you pickup the 395 there. I'd go all the way north and stay out of the middle of Ca.