Laser or no laser


Staff member
A lazer sight is good if you really want to find out how unsteady your aim is.
Although my Bodyguard has a lazer, I prefer iron sights.



Well-known member
Some would say that in a defensive situation, in the dark, that a laser sight can easily be tracked right back to you. They would continue to say that a rail-mounted Surefire light may be a better bet, again, in the dark, as the light helps you see the offender and will tend to blind them at the same time.

I do not speak from experience - only what a wise man once told me.


Prolifically Gabby Member
I have one on my Ruger LCP because the iron sights are next to useless in low light, especially with needing trifocals. I'm definitely considering adding lasers to my Keltec P-11 and Colt Govt. Model 70 although their sights are better. For the 12 ga. with short barrel, not so much.


Oklahoma Chapter Leaders
I had Crimson Trace grips on my service side arm and have been on the combat range with it several times as well as kicking in doors in the desert. I always qualified better off of Iron sights. The laser is a great low light aiming tool but not much use to me on the fly. On a assault rifle is a different story.


Active Member
Lasers are good in theory. I have one on my Body guard 380. My duty weapon is a Glock 22. Most fire arms confrontations take place in less than 10 feet and last less than 3 seconds. If your messing around with a laser you might as well kiss your keister goodbye. JMHO
DW's bodyguard has the laser which she loves. I'll stick with the judge. BTW, if you are looking to get one with a laser I would definitely recommend the bodyguard since S&W has a lifetime guarantee on the gun. Our laser went out after about 6 months and it was replaced free of charge.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Lasers are good in theory. I have one on my Body guard 380. My duty weapon is a Glock 22. Most fire arms confrontations take place in less than 10 feet and last less than 3 seconds. If your messing around with a laser you might as well kiss your keister goodbye. JMHO

You're right in a sense, but if awakened from sleep and you have only enough time to grab your weapon or your glasses, I'd really like the weapon to have a grip activated laser (like the Crimson Trace) on it. Especially if I have to shoot from the hip, so to speak. I can see the red dot in the dark without my glasses on.


Well-known member
Dislike lasers on pistols. Most personal defense scenarios are close quarters combat. Your front site or laser will not be picked up, that is why it is necessary to train both strong hand and support hand for center mass point of impact. Muscle memory training from holster or concealment is critical for a good grouping.


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
Lots of valid points. Thank you all for your input and please keep the wisdom coming. I still haven't decided either way and may just hold off for a while.


Original Owners Club Member
In a real world situation the laser sights will be useless in rapid fire combat situation. Why do the majority of Police Officers not have them? Because the time it takes to use them could cause a life-threatening hesitation. Practuce, practice, and more practice in 'snap shooting' would be a better answer.IMHO


Mark - Laser's are like coffee or tea.
I have the S&W Bodyguard which comes with a Laser, works good. But I find in the daytime or good lighting I can easily shoot better groups quicker with the sights. The little 380 is very good "point and shoot", easy to control pocket pistol.

In the bedroom - middle of the night , I think the laser would be the preferred choice.

Either way, you of course have to practice with the never fail iron sights and if you go for a Laser, stick with name brands and expect to pay similar prices. All in one light laser etc on eBay for 30 bucks will be worthless when you really need it.

That said, I only have one weapon laser, but he next item I am looking at is the S&W Gov with the factory installed Crimson Trace laser. That will be the RV piece.

The PX Fury - still waiting for the pricing to come down, but that would probably cause more short term pain then a 9mm!


Well-known member
In a real world "situation".

Lasers= useless, any various glow in the dark dots= useless, iron sights=useless. Proper practice of combat shooting and a 40,000 watt mag light is all I really need.

When I practice I never use a sight of any kind, because in a combat fight there is no aiming of sights and will be over in a few seconds. If you have time to aim a sight then you should be worried about getting sued or arrested as the threat is not imminent.

Many people I've taught have become better paper shooters after first learning how to combat shoot.


Well-known member
The laser will just show how bad your nerves are and how bad you have the shakes. You will spend more time trying to hold it steady than if you just point and shoot.