Light Switches

Can anyone tell me where I can buy some light switches for my Elkridge. Not sure what they are called but they look like a paddle plate. They are about 1.5" wide by 2.5" tall. I wish I had taken a picture of them. Maybe next weekend I can. We have them in living room but no where else. I would like to change some others out. Thanks

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Staff member
You could call Heartland Parts and order there. 10% discount if you are a club member.
I have also seen them on ebay.



Prolifically Gabby Member
Try looking here first for the style/part number you want, then look on their site for vendors. I believe I got my parts from Amazon (could have been Ebay, too). I replaced the one switch in the main slide for the puck lights that fell apart and added two in the bedroom to control the reading lamps. A contact at JR Products was happy to give me information to be sure I got the right parts for what I wanted to do, but they don't sell retail. The photos are the bedroom mod I did so we would not have to get out of bed to turn the lamps on/off. They're also been changed to LED's.

I made wood escutcheons for the switch and lamps to mount to so there would be enough room for the wiring and switch contacts to stand off from the wall.