Hi Trace: This southwest trip has proved to be quite the adventure. I have become much more familiar with the Bighorn since seeing you in Quartzsite. We moved to Parker, AZ and were looking forward to full hookups so we could clean those tanks out after two weeks in the desert. Well, I now know for a fact poop don't flow uphill. The sewer hookup at Pirates Den is about 6" higher than the outflow on the trailer. Wonderful campsite design. I ended up ordering a macerator pump to combat gravity. Hooked her up yesterday and all is well. We are going to Goshen. The sign up process also proved to be an experience. We were with our friends from Montana and pretty much glued to our cell phones waiting for the "go" sign from Heartland. As we were signing up, we kept losing our connection. Oh, that caused some anxiety, but we made it. Anyway, gonna relax today while cleaning out the truck toolbox. Somehow, my gallon of antifreeze sprung a leak. Man, I love this camping.