living room ac unit


Well-known member
Appears i lost power to rear AC unit.Did simple swap out of stat,still no power. Ck. outlets all have power, GFI ok.Any thoughts on problem?????


Well-known member
The thermostat is connected to a relay box that's usually in a gray box inside the return air opening. The thermostat activates the relay. The relay activates the air conditioner. Care is required when investigating inside the gray box. When you're on a step stool or step ladder, touching a live wire can be bad.


Well-known member
Does any unit come with a breaker box

Are you referring to the circuit breaker? It is located in your main distribution panel down, where all your other 120V circuit breakers are located. Air conditioner units are all on their own 20A circuit with a dedicated breaker - trip it off and then back on to see if this helps.



Well-known member
Still no luck with tstat.Ckd everything i could.Under warranty so going back to dealer.I am leaning towards a broken wire.Will make the 6 hour trip,and while we are up there will camp at Watkins Glenn KOA.There is a Heartland dealer about 1 hour away from where I live,but they never replied to Email or phone call.Thanks for all the tries from fellow owners.


You might give Heartland Customer service a call and ask if they know of, or have an independent repair shop or person in your area that they would authorize to work on your unit.

Jim M