Looking for computer bases Navigation software - previously used Delorme street atlas - not a fan of Garmin


Picking up our Bighorn 3585RL on Satuday - expanding from crusing on the water to land. On the water - Maptech & Nobeltec are the premere navigation computer base software for cruising.
On land I have used Delorme Street Atlas - great software- but they are just maintaining existing software. There are really no upgrades for RV'ers with height restrictions - but for $39 it would be more accurate then Garmin. Delorme never put me on a road that crossed water with no bridge.
Delorme and Maptech's Topo would be great for off road {:)
Hence - I am looking for a computer base software and there does not seem to be a concensus as to the best - at this point may be leaning toward Microsoft Streets and maps, but their bod rate on the gps is not standarsd.
I am more interested in computer based system because I will eventually use a air card for web access or get a touch pad with 4g.
Any thoughts

Bob & Renee
Soon to be on board "Third Sensation"


Well-known member
Looking for computer base software - previously used Delorme street atlas - not a fan of Garmin

Hi Sensation,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum. You'll find a lot of useful information here along with a lot of friendly people who are willing to share what they've learned.

I'm sure you'll get some ideas and advice shortly.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Re: Looking for computer base software - previously used Delorme street atlas - not a fan of Garmin

Even better: there is an app for iPhone, iPad, iTouch called Allstays Camp & RV. I think it is like $4.99, but worth every penny. It is consistently rated 5* by users. I'm not sure what GPS/mapping platform it is built on, but it has been very accurate. Best of all, it has lots of "filters" you can turn on/off to tag all sorts of useful info: campgrounds, RV Parks, WalMarts/CostCo, grocery stores, truck stops, rest stops, dump stations, low overpasses, steep grades and more. Absolutely indispensable. However, it does not plot courses or give directions. But an iPhone/pad comes with that built in anyway. I use Allstays and "GasBuddy" all the time.
Re: Looking for computer base software - previously used Delorme street atlas - not a fan of Garmin

Hi Sensation, Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents also. We took an extended vacation up north this summer and I have to agree with you on "Ms. Garmin" as we have since respectfully begun calling her...... She failed us miserably :((( Thank goodness the RV Resort in College Park, MD told us to turn it off or we would have been driving straight through downtown DC! We had also just purchased a new Garmin before our trip but it seems it was no different than our old, outdated version.


Well-known member
Re: Looking for computer base software - previously used Delorme street atlas - not a fan of Garmin

Rand McNally has GPS systems for RV's, there new and have been getting good reviews overall, don't know if they have software you can install on your computer. It would be great if they did. I've learned the hard way that a GPS route needs to be check with hard copy map since they can get you into trouble with wrong turns etc.