Low Beam HL bulbs on 2009 GMC


Prolifically Gabby Member
I had the pleasure a few weeks ago of changing the bulb on the driver's side of my truck. If you look on YouTube, some mechanics will tell you to disassemble the radiator shroud, grille, and wheel well cover to get to it. Then there is the simpler method of removing the cross brace from the fender to the grille support, removing the battery and then loosening the washer bottle. Did it that way and it saved a lot of work. It helps if you don't have extra large hands, though. It was tight for my size 9's.

Yesterday, it was the passenger side's turn. Again, not necessary to disassemble the front end. Remove the air filter box and you can get your hand in to change the bulbs. It helps to loosen the clamp for the air cleaner hose and remove the hose. Then pull up on the box and it comes away.

Not a bad idea to look inside the filter box, too. Mine had a supply of acorn shells and whole acorns in the moisture drain tubes. How they got in there is a mystery since the ends are not wide open. Cleaned them out, vacuumed the intake side of the filter and it's good as new.