Hello to all! We are researching for our first TT purchase. We looked at the Prowler Lynx 255LX today and decided that it is at the top our short list for purchase. The pricepoint is great and we love the rear living layout. Any input or experiences with it or similar, would be greatly appreciated! Thank you to all who respond in advance!!
I bought the Prowler Lynx 285LX last month. Mine has the bunk beds in back where your 2 chairs are. I bought this model because my sister camps with me and I thought it would be nice for her to have a bed instead of using the dinette table folded down into bed. Turns out she hates the bunks as she feels like she's in a tomb (I guess they are better suited for kids), so she's sleeping on the dinette bed anyway.
In hindsight I probably should have got the model you did. The only thing I didn't care for was the huge windows in the back of the unit, I remember thinking I wouldn't like driving down the road where the back end is essentially glass. Seems like they should provide a cover for when traveling. Anyhow, that's just my own hangup.
I got a good deal on mine and I'm happy with it. So far my biggest irritations are:
1. The cabinet doors have the catches on top, seems like they would be better if they were on the bottom. I might move these myself.
2. The outside storage cabinet on the port side doesn't have a latch to hold the door open (due to a window being above it). I hate this because it's where I keep the hoses and it's a pain pulling them out/putting them in with the door hitting my head as I try to keep it open.
3. Whoever decided to put the bathroom plug right over the sink is a moron. I bought a cover for it.
4 Didn't come with a battery disconnect switch. This is not a big expense and I don't understand why it wouldn't be standard on ANY new travel trailer. I'll put one on myself but really, I shouldn't have to... it should come with it!
Really these are minor annoyances and I am happy with the trailer. I think as an entry level TT you can't go wrong with the Prowler.
Best wishes on your purchase