Update. I was able to remove the couch by removing 3 long #2 phillips screws on each side. The back one was the hardest to remove but I was able to remove it with a long neck screwdriver. Once the couch was removed, I was able to detach the floor from the slide system by removing 4 screws from underneath the front section of the floor and 4 in the back which you have access to from underneath the slide floor on the outside of the RV. I also needed to remove the inside wall cover of the small storage unit because the framing of this unit has 3 or 4 screws that need to be removed in order to release it from the slide floor. I made another floor and still need to install it, and then reinstall everything together and caulk everything on the outside. Will let you all know how everything works out. Again, thank you everyone for the help, much appreciated.