New to forum Gray Tank questions


Two year full timer now traveling alone. Can anyone explain what the gray tank 1 and gray tank 2 are used for, galley, shower, laundry area? This is in a 2009 3600RE Bighorn. Thanks!


Staff member
Newhen, welcome to the forum.
I do not know what the tank designation number is on your particular floor plan but I do know that one will be for the galley, and one will be for the bath sik, shower and laundry.
You can add a little food coloring to your galley sink and observe the color of your drain water. You will need a clear fitting on your dump hose.



Also you mentioned "laundry area", it should be on the same tank as the shower, bathroom sink,, if you have a washer and it is in the front, I think you need to make sure the drain is open when using the washer.

Hopefully someone with the same floor plan will jump in soon.

Jim M


Thanks for all the replies. Still learning all the things I don't know or didn't know that the husband did. Next step is learning to properly back up the trailer!


We just purchased a 2011 Landmark Grand Canyon. Previously, we have only had one grey tank. Assuming both tanks are mounted at the same height in the trailer, would I be correct that we can cap the main outlet, open both grey water drain valves, and expect the two tanks to fill equally?


Hi Al-Gibb,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and to the Family. We have a great bunch of people here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge if needed.

Yes, both the gray tanks are at the same level. Can I ask why you would want to do that? When you take the cap off, unless you install a valve in it's place, you will get a lot of used water on you.

Jim M