New to forum presently own SOB.



My wife and I have been RVing for 25 years. Started with a popup then on to a HY-LO now in a 39 ft 5[SUP]th[/SUP] wheel SOB.

Due to some very disappointing experiences with this SOB we are considering purchasing a new 5[SUP]th[/SUP] wheel trailer.

I have 53 years towing experience. I started towing when I was 16 working in the family business of moving buildings. The heaviest load I have ever towed was 300,000 lbs 35 ft wide 70 ft long 2-story apartment building. I have several years driving 18-wheeler tank truck delivering liquid cattle feed to ranchers.

I have numerous certifications in vehicle and aircraft operations and maintenance. I presently do consulting to audit the DOT paperwork for commercial carriers.

I have dropped out of other forums when I find a large percentage of the posters advocate deliberately exceeding the published weight limitations of the towing vehicle and or trailer because “RV’s are not subject to Federal DOT regulation”.

I am looking forward to finding safety conscious posters on this forum.



Hi 3665RE,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and hopefully to the family. We have a great bunch of people here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge if needed.

Looks like you have lots of experience in the towing area, so I'm sure you could give some helpful information to our members if needed.

The Heartland forum is just a big nice family, although not perfect. We are here to help one another and make friends, not enemies.

The Heartland RVs company is the best. They do monitor some of the forum areas and actually take part when needed and listen to our suggestions as to improvements and designs.

Ask your questions about the unit you are looking for and hopefully you will join us.

Jim M


Past Heartland Ambassador
Welcome to the forum....I think you will find the majority of the Heartland Owners are weight conscious, but don't kid matter what forum you go to, there will be those who think they can tow a 40ft fiver with a 1500....just saying!!

Here, however, you will not find the knock down, drag out fights you find on other forums...people here are usually very respectful of other's opinions.


Founding Wyoming Chapter Leader-retired
I agree with Kakampers. You will always get the guy that's way over the limits adds a chip and air bags and is good to go "don't even know it's behind me" is the way it's phrased it think.

This forum is an excellent resource for anybody wanting to learn about weight limits or anything else RV related for that matter and I have seen lots of folks taking advantage of it (including us).

Welcome aboard!!


Perfict Senior Member
You are welcome here.
It's nice to have another member with your towing experience that advocates safe towing with facts not opinions.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Welcome to the forums. Many of us, including former neophytes like myself, have had their rigs & trucks professionally weighed to be sure we're not overloaded. Rather have more truck than is needed, than just barely enough, or not enough at all. The pennies saved are not worth it.


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, this is a great place to get "on hands" advice no matter what the subject. As far a weights, I think most of us try to weigh our rigs whenever possible and then discuss these weights on the forum.
Let us know how we can be helpful to you


Past Washington Chapter Leaders
Welcome to the forum. I am sure we will all benefit from your experience and knowledge. One thing that makes this forum so refreshing is no one appears to take on the "weight police" attitude that seems so prevalent on a few other popular forums. Members are here to help each other and learn from others experiences. It is a forum where I believe the majority of input is sincere, honest and shared with a positive and helpful demeanor. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have the past several years.

Best Wishes!