My wife and I have been RVing for 25 years. Started with a popup then on to a HY-LO now in a 39 ft 5[SUP]th[/SUP] wheel SOB.
Due to some very disappointing experiences with this SOB we are considering purchasing a new 5[SUP]th[/SUP] wheel trailer.
I have 53 years towing experience. I started towing when I was 16 working in the family business of moving buildings. The heaviest load I have ever towed was 300,000 lbs 35 ft wide 70 ft long 2-story apartment building. I have several years driving 18-wheeler tank truck delivering liquid cattle feed to ranchers.
I have numerous certifications in vehicle and aircraft operations and maintenance. I presently do consulting to audit the DOT paperwork for commercial carriers.
I have dropped out of other forums when I find a large percentage of the posters advocate deliberately exceeding the published weight limitations of the towing vehicle and or trailer because “RV’s are not subject to Federal DOT regulation”.
I am looking forward to finding safety conscious posters on this forum.
My wife and I have been RVing for 25 years. Started with a popup then on to a HY-LO now in a 39 ft 5[SUP]th[/SUP] wheel SOB.
Due to some very disappointing experiences with this SOB we are considering purchasing a new 5[SUP]th[/SUP] wheel trailer.
I have 53 years towing experience. I started towing when I was 16 working in the family business of moving buildings. The heaviest load I have ever towed was 300,000 lbs 35 ft wide 70 ft long 2-story apartment building. I have several years driving 18-wheeler tank truck delivering liquid cattle feed to ranchers.
I have numerous certifications in vehicle and aircraft operations and maintenance. I presently do consulting to audit the DOT paperwork for commercial carriers.
I have dropped out of other forums when I find a large percentage of the posters advocate deliberately exceeding the published weight limitations of the towing vehicle and or trailer because “RV’s are not subject to Federal DOT regulation”.
I am looking forward to finding safety conscious posters on this forum.