NorthTrail Slideout stick coming in - SOLVED


Well-known member
Since this was potentially a big issue I thought I would post it even though I have found the solution.

This applies to a 2011 North Trail with a cable slide mechanism.

Two weeks ago we were using the trailer and when we got ready to go home the slideout got stuck as we were pulling it in. Moved it back out a couple of times and looked outside and then it came in okay. This last weekend we were camping again and the slideout went out fine and I even re-leveled once bringing the slide in and out with out problems. When we got ready to leave and pull the slide in it got stuck at the same spot again. This time as I was looking at it there was a load pop and the slide would come in after that.

Got it home and noticed that on the front part of the inside of the slideout molding was hitting the molding on the closet causing a rub spot. Looking at it closer it was obvious that it was getting hung up there. I was about to try and sand out some of the molding to make clearance when I noticed it seemed to be moving as I worked the slideout in and out for testing.

I put the slideout part way out then went outside to the forward part of the slide and pushed hard. I felt it move a bit so I went back inside. I now have a good quarter inch clearance on the molding.

Looks to me like these older North Trail slideouts float a bit in the frame and can move enough to get hung up. If it gets hung up look at the edges and if the are to close go out and give it a push and see if that helps.

Hope this helps someone some day.



Well-known member
Mine are rarack and piñon, but this is good info. There is always a way if you don't give up, eh?