The Olevia 27" LCD HDTV in our new 3210 died after only 20 days of use. (Loud cracking noise, then nothing.) Contrary to what is implied on Olevia's warranty card, they have only one service center for the entire country and it's located as far from us as it can get (NC to Los Angeles). Of course we don't have the original packing materials, so having UPS pack and ship it to Olevia is going to cost $157 ($97 shipping, $60 packing). Nothing on the warranty card mentions reimbusement for shipping charges of a defective product, but it's highly unlikely we'll be able to get the $97 refunded. We cannot find this model for sale anywhere on the internet so have no idea how much to insure it for or even whether paying so much to return it is worth it. Olevia has confirmed the unit is still under warranty, but there's always the possibility they could claim a power surge blew the TV and, while we definitely do not believe this to be the case, there's no way we can prove otherwise. That would leave us with $157 wasted and no TV.
Has anyone had experience in this area? Any ideas other than coughing up the shipping charges?
Has anyone had experience in this area? Any ideas other than coughing up the shipping charges?