Pex Connections leaking

What size is the PEX used on all the water lines? Is it 1/2 inch? And what diameter fittings do you guys keep as spares. Haven’t had the pleasure of going behind the wall yet, so appreciate any info on what size and type of spares I should have along.



Well-known member
It's 1/2 in. Pex I carry some red & blue, a pex tool and cinch rings and brass couplers elbows and tee's with me. I recrimped all mine years ago and they have been good time to check again this year.


And you can use the 3/4" PEX crimp to make water hose repairs and length changes with brass couplings available.

Better then using a finger slicing worm drive clamp.

3/4" for 5/8" hose, 1" for 3/4" hose