Filled my freshwater tank when I left the N. TX Rally the weekend before, went and set up at the local elementary school parking lot and cleaned all of the bugs that get stuck to the underside of the awnings from a tip I got at the rally, mix up a soapy solution and apply with a scrub brush pole, roll up and let them marinate for 15-20 minutes, roll out and rinse off, it worked pretty good.
Strung out the water hoses and cleaned the roof, got the milky run off all down the sides of the rig, after finishing the roof I put some Dicor on two little spots then came down to clean the sides, it was way too hot and was drying as fast as I could clean it off with the Aero Cosmetics Wash Wax All, so I started doing much smaller areas, wasn’t getting anywhere with the heat so I did the best I could and need to wait for better conditions and clean the entire rig.