pocket door on the 2009 3500RL fell off


Senior Member
During our trip south the pocket door broke the stop screw in the pocket and derailed in the pocket. I was able to reinstall the door and locked it open with 2 screws. The screws holding the kitchen pantry were to long and the door was damaged by the screws. Why does a company allow the workers install a small screw that will break when bent, and long screws that scratches a perfectly finished door. This is unacceptable manufacturing procedure and again I have to modify this door system. How can people buy a product that will fall apart on the first trip.
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I had this probleme on mine too. The stopper screw broke...I made a stopper with 2"x3"...

I agree with you "caissiel" it's a bad conception :mad:



Senior Member
I fixed it for good, I measured the distance the door has to be from the back wall, I cut a piece of 2x8, 12 in long and tied a wire to it (so I can remove it later) and pushed it to the back of the pocket. Now the door hits the stop before it derails. I tried to pursuade the wife to put her arm there to put a new screw but it was to short. To replace the screw stop I had to remove the pantry, or make a hole in the pantry back wall. The piece of 2x8 is easily removeble and does the job well.


Senior Member
I was telling this story to an other camper here that has a close layout as mine by an other manufacturer. His pocket door hits a stop at the top and bottom that feels like wood stopper. So I assured him he will not have the same problem.