Portable generator questions


I’m not new to RVing but am new to generators. I’m considering buying a portable “suitcase” style generator because of their light weight. I’m planning on boondocking later this summer in WY. First question is about grounding. It seems every manufacturer recommends or requires the portable be grounded. That’s a lot of work. I don’t hear about people doing that and I don’t see it in the campgrounds. Is it really necessary or is it lawyer talk?

Second, I see that generators typically lose 3% of their output for every 100’ of altitude gain. I plan on camping in one spot at 10,000’. It may not even run at that altitude but I’ll be doing most camping around 7000’. They make altitude kits but that requires tearing into the carburetor to install the kit, and doing it again to take the kit out when you come down. Are people doing this or just accepting the efficiency drop?

Thanks, guys