Thank you for your post. I do get your point. And I do agree that Heartland needs to listen up - and they are listening.
What is getting to me is when I see continued posts of the same general nature by the same person. The point has been made but continues to be reposted. Continued reposting will not help the same poster's issues and the first post will get the attention of prospects.
nscaler2, this is not directed at you, I am just using this post to step onto my soapbox for a moment.
For all users that may read this post, as the owner/adminstrator of an online forum, it is up to me to state the goal of its existence, make the rules, set the tone etc. It is not always an easy job or a fun one but I do it because I have a genuine interest in RVing and in the Heartland brand, being a product owner.
When I ask a user to tone it down (their delivery), I in no way wish to change someone's feelings about their coach or their issues with it. A person's feeling cannot be taken away - it is an entitlement. Sometimes people just need to vent. And I get that. But if the vent turns into a rant that never ends, then I step in. There are other places online that people can continue their rant.
This forum will never satisfy everyone's needs in an online setting. I have seen other forums (small like this one) that have little to no moderation that for the most part, have totally devolved to a forum that provides little real usefulness to a product owner trying to gain insight on their coach.
I'd like to have the forum that provided some real useful information the userbase. Where that useful information was provided by other product owners based on their own experience. Owners truly helping owners.
And while it still works, I want to continue to be able to provide a bonafide Ask The Factory forum. Where a prospect or product owner can ask legitimate questions of the factory that they would like to see answered in a open forum. If we devolve to a point where the factory feels we are no longer a legitimate concern, we will lose that connection. And we're not ready for that.
Again, nscaler2, this was not directed at you. I have merely hijacked your post to make my open reply to all.
Thank you to all 1,024 members of which 304 of you are active (logged in within the last 30 days). Let's continue to share with each other in a constructive manner. Let's continue to lend each other a hand. Let's continue to let the factory know what is working and what is not working. Let's do that in a clear, concise, constructive and non-mean spirited manner. When you really feel compelled to totally rip the factory, please give them a phone call and give it to them personally.