There is only one way to do that correctly and safely - cribbing.
Get yourself some 4x4's, non pressure treated and DO NOT paint. A standard two tier (meaning 2 pieces of cut cribbing at each level) has a load capacity of up to 24,000 pounds, Over 50,000 if you use 3 pieces at each level.
Some 3/4" plywood as well, make a couple of 18" square "wafers"
At the top, use two extra 4x4's then use the plywood so your jack pad has a solid surface.
You do not need to fill all the gaps with extra wood. Although it gets stronger as you increase the number of cribs, you also reduce the friction load on each piece. You need both, load capacity and friction to work.
Rather then go through all the details here, I attached a cribbing worksheet which goes into all the details.
This is what we do in the Fire service to pick up - support just about anything. Done correctly you can lift a train.
For the height you want I would suggest keeping your landing gear retracted and crib right up to the height you need then adjust with the landing gear. You should be nice and stable then