I retired in May '05 when we had to move to Dallas, Tx for my hubbie's job. He retired, unexpectedly due to disability Sept '07. We bought our Cyclone, put our house on the market, put our stuff in storage and sold most of what we own and started our fulltiming in Dec '07. We had big plans but couldn't do much until the disability kicked in and the house sold. Needless to say, the house is finally about to close next month and the deisel is starting to go back down so we're gearing up to start traveling. Oh, the VA and MetLife still hasn't been approved after a year of "pulling teeth" to get them to do their jobs. Once we get our extra car sold, then we can start doing some traveling. We're staying in Bandera, Tx and bored out of our minds. We've seen all there is to see and need something to keep us busy. Maybe I should do something out of the RV. Any suggestions? I have a bad back so cannot just go out and get a job for a few weeks. We do admit that it is great to not be on any schedule or worry about the time. So........retirement at 49 and 50 is good.