Satilite question


Stupid question...

I have Bell expressvu hooked up in the living room TV, which works fine. How can hookup both bedrooms(master and kids)TV to all work the same time?

2009 2889 RB Sundance

sidney dreyfus

Well-known member
satellite in bedroom area

We have the Kingdome. It works great. If your RV is like ours you just need to place a cable splitter in the cabinet next to the TV in the living area. Theres a cable connection on the inside wall of the cabinet that will send the signal from the spliter to the TV in the bedroom. Our RV is set up so we can only watch one channel at a time. I understand the wiring has been improved. You might be able to watch separate channels. It's only a 5 minute job and the splitter costs only a couple of dollars.