I had 8000lb axles installed by Lippert back in April. They came with the 3.375" wide self adjusting brakes. Despite these features, I found the brake performance to be quite poor. I was told to back up several times to aid in brake adjustment, and did this several times before hitting the road. Braking performance did improve slightly, but I have had to run with my controller set at maximum gain. I also verified that all the magnets were OK. I did this by checking current and circuit resistance. Today I decided to check the brake adjustment myself.
On the Lippert self adjusting brakes there are two access ports on the brake backplate. (I expect that Dexter is similar, as much of Lippert's equipment seems to be similar to Dexter's) The two holes allow access to the ratchet wheel on the adjustment nut, and to the lever that operates the ratchet. Tightening these brakes up with an adjusting tool, or a screwdriver engaged in the ratchet teeth, is easy. The adjustment screw drive seems to have a much finer thread than on those manual adjust versions. However to loosen the adjustment you need two hands. One has to push the operating lever away from the ratchet using a thin bladed screwdriver, and another to turn the ratchet backwards with the adjusting tool.
Out of the four hubs on my trailer only one was properly set. The other three required significant adjustment, so I suspect that the self adjusting feature is not working on those three. I will monitor for any braking improvement as we travel to the Ontario Chapter Rally this Friday. Hopefully I shall be able to reduce my controller gain, as I find that running in the current arrangement results in the brakes grabbing at low speeds.