Hands down a 4 X 4! Do you know how easy it is to get a 4 X 2 stuck OR in a wheel spinning situation..... TOO EASY!
At least I have had to resort to 4 X 4 more than a few times. (Mostly in reverse!) And as stated earlier: "it is better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it." This does de-rate your towing/hauling but not by that much. If you are cutting it that close you need to re-think anyway as I am currently doing!
At least I have had to resort to 4 X 4 more than a few times. (Mostly in reverse!) And as stated earlier: "it is better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it." This does de-rate your towing/hauling but not by that much. If you are cutting it that close you need to re-think anyway as I am currently doing!