2008 Dodge Ram...5.7L Hemi, more than enough to pull a 22RBK...186K miles on it, with the lifetime powertrain warranty. This truck is a six months old, was rear ended by a Semi on I-44 just southwest of Rolla (just over the crest of Newburg hill, for those familiar with the area.) Just after Christmas, 2008...massive rain, Highway was flooded due to a plugged drain. Traffic stopped, looking through my rear view mirrors, see an explorer move in behind me...semi comes flying over the crest of the hill, hits the explorer, blows out all the windows, moves the body a couple foot off the frame, punts him On TOP of the guard rail...comes through and hits me square on...the trailer hitch! Rolled that puppy 180 degrees under the truck, pushes the bed into the back of the cab...fortunately, I managed to make it a "rolling" hit. Pulled over, called MoHP, trooper walks up, asks "are we all right"...yeah. We drove it on to Branson, finished vacation, drove it home. Frame not even bent....$7000 damage...they bolted a 2009 rear end (springs and all) from the Chrysler factory right under it and a new trailer hitch repaired the bed and the cab...still driving it to this day.
To add insult to injury...two days before I was SUPPOSED to pick up the 22RBK...on the first day of deer season here in Illinois...I got a doe...with the headlights on and the horn blowin' (apologies to Ron White, but that's how it happened!)
To add insult to injury...two days before I was SUPPOSED to pick up the 22RBK...on the first day of deer season here in Illinois...I got a doe...with the headlights on and the horn blowin' (apologies to Ron White, but that's how it happened!)