snowbirding weather


Well-known member
This is our first winter to snowbird. In past years, I have read on the forums the complaints about undesirable weather. I am curious about how this winter has stacked up for you against past winters and what locations you have found to be the best overall, weather-wise, for you.

We spent 6 weeks in Mission, TX and had a lot of cool/cold days, some very cold nights, 1 ice storm, but lots of nice days, particularly more desirable than Indiana. We moved to southern Arizona in mid-Feb, and it's been mostly cool, warming up now. We wanted to, but didn't move further north in AZ, but it was too cold or too crowded.

Any responses I will find very interesting and informative.



Well-known member
We have been in SW Florida [ Port Charlotte ] since the end of Jan. and the weather this year has been great with temps in the low to mid 80,s and no rain. Last year we had to go all the way to the Keys to find temps above 50 The water temp of the Gulf is now above 70. This is our first time to visit this area and we really like it here. Lots of things to do, Shopping,Great Restaurant's and Great Beaches close by. We will be back next year !!!

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Since 2006 we have spent 3 winters in Corpus Christi, 1 in Southern CA and this winter in Mission, TX. Our first 3 in Corpus were all different types of weather. Overall is was way better than Wisconsin. The winter in Indio, CA was by far the best weather we've been in. Warm, dry and very little wind other than 2 or 3 days that had us retract the awning. This winter in Mission, I thought was really pretty good. Yes, there were a few cold days and nights but very little rain overall. Better than last winter from what I heard. I think we're just lucky to be able to go south. A little rain, cooler temps and some wind is certainly a lot better than shoveling snow and 15 below zero.

We hope to try Florida next winter. At least for a month or so then work our way back around the Gulf till we go north again.

All that said, I think the most consistent good weather is in southern CA. Unless of course the earthquakes are a concern. ;-)


Well-known member
We spent the month of January and February in Mission Texas as well. It was over all pretty decent weather. Keep in mind when the weather down as far as Rio Grand Valley is cold and the skies are overcast... take a look at what the rest of the country is getting. Sure helps to watch the weather Chanel on Dish to feel better about where your parked !!

If you enjoy the western part of the country you might look at Southern California or South Western Arizona for pretty good Snowbird Weather. Yuma can get the windy much like Rio Grand Valley does. The weather winds aloft tend to bring warm breezes from the Baja Mexico most days.

Have fun finding the "Perfect" spot.


Past Arkansas Chapter Leaders
Hello Fuzz & Karen,
For the last 4 yrs. we have been to South Florida, we have stayed in Key West at the Navel Base the down side is dry camping, but there are other places there as well with full hook ups but, a little rough on the bill fold, average temps. with the past cold spells that seem to have hit everyone including the keys but not quite as bad was mid 50's but quickly warmed back up to mid 70's this year we tried Miami and the cold spell once again hit and the temps. hit around 40' them back up to the mid 60's and 70's with pleanty of sun, sure beat the snow.
Hope this helps.