I just registered a few minutes ago. Over the years we've been through many camping methods. Starting with tents and popups with the kids. Tried a small pickup camper after kids for a while. Then tried a Casita trailer (too small) for a couple of years. I'm retired and my wife retires in January so we are thinking about buying a travel trailer for some extended trips. I've spent a lot of time on the web researching and seem to to drawn to the Heartland North Trail models. My primary candidate at the moment is the FX21 but the 21FBS and FX235 are also in the running. I'm going to be looking for people's opinions on the whole line and these models in particular. I also hope to connect with owners of these models close enough to Manhattan, KS so I might be able to actually see them instead of just looking a pictures. I've had no luck finding dealers in the area with these models in stock.