Hi Catchum,
I hope you understand that your question is a loaded one.
Cooling load is based on temperature and humidity inside your coach, and the cooling capacity of the A/C varies based on temperature outside the coach. Having your fan set on high or low speed will affect the capacity of the unit, and the temperature of the discharge air also.
Generally, with the fan on high speed your discharge temp should be a difference of about 20 degrees Fahrenheit less than the air entering at the return air grille. That will hold true up to about 90-95 degrees outside, when the cooling efficiency begins to go down. I have heard that if you can maintain 15 degrees lower inside the coach than it is outside, you are doing pretty well.
On start-up particularly, your differential temperature (return air temp - discharge air temp) might be significantly less if the coach is humid inside. The latent heat load to remove the excess humidity inside the coach is a very significant load on the system. When the humidity has been reduced, the sensible heat can be more effectively handled.
Obviously, there are several factors that play into what the discharge temperature you will see. Just like at home, you can maximize you systems performance by parking in shaded areas, minimizing humidity in the coach by using vents when showering and cooking, running the fan on high speed, keeping windows and doors closed as much as possible, closing shades, and turning you A/C on early.