Thread/Post Date Format Change


Well-known member
User randes (Roy) asked me to consider changing the thread/post date format from Yesterday, 4 weeks ago etc, to the actual date.

Made sense to me. This change has now been made.

Thanks for the suggestion!



Well-known member
I liked the old way better. The latest post of 4 minutes ago, 2 hours ago etc. was easier to spot when I surf back and forth. Kind of unique. I probably will miss some really important stuff now. :(

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member
I also find it easier to read the posts from yesterday, 2, 3, or four hours ago. Now I have to be aware of the time and the date and being retired I do not know what day it is half of the time. I also find that I have to partially reread posts to see when I last read that thread.


Well-known member
Yikes - maybe I should have taken a poll :)

Actually, I really appreciate all the feedback.

There may be a middle ground. I have three choices and I have now selected the middle choice - "Yesterday / Today".

"Yesterday / Today" will show 'Yesterday' and 'Today' for dates that fall in those periods and will show the actual date for those older than yesterday.

Does this sound better to most?




Active Member
Hey Jim,

I think your third choice is the best of both worlds! Thanks for being so open minded.



Well-known member
I have to stick to the old way. If I sign on the format said it was, say, 58 minutes ago I could scan down the forum and anything that was before 58 minutes I ignored and only opened post less than 58 minutes. Save a lot of browsing time (not like a really don't have much time) ;) It was a different way of doing it better than any other forums I belong too.

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member
I am like ChopperBill, I like it the old way:). I prefer to look for the last posting time I looked at rather then trying to remember what time I logged off and stumbling through the posts until I find the last post I have not read:eek:.


Past Michigan Chapter Leader
I don't care which way we go because I use the "new posts" to get to those I haven't seen. Only thing is that when I get an e-mail from a post that I have subscribed to, I need to look at all of the new posts at that time to risk a reset and missing some.


I saw nothing wrong with the old way but what you are doing at present will work for me as well. Just takes a little getting use to.

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Well-known member
Now all my icons show as "read". I know I haven't even opened some of them. :confused: The little envelopes show "unread" but you have to open up all the topics to see them. :confused: Shouldnt the topic Icon show there is "unread" posts in them? Or am I still :confused:


Well-known member

Mine look okay this morning. Let wait for a few others to weigh in on how their forum and thread icons look.



Well-known member
I tended to like the old way better. When opened new posts, for example, only had to look for post earlier than 8 hours ago.
Also if I go into forum after going thru new posts, shows as unread. If I click on topic still shows unread. An example is Heartland forum, system announcements shows unread, if I click on system announcements show all items all read. I had to click on on thread post/date announcement to get it to show as read. This was after viewing and posting thru view new posts.


Well-known member
After a couple of days will have to say I defiantly liked the old way better. Most folks are use to the format used now in other forums, the old one was refreshingly better. But then I am an old dog! ;)


Well-known member
Wow....I was down in Chile when I saw change, thought it was like the way the toilets spin the opposite direction south of the equator.

Honestly I like the old style better.