Tri-Pod under pin (yes / no)


Well-known member
I'm happy to report I purchased the Steadyfast stabilizers, installed them this week and it made the 5er steady as a rock. Seriously, no exaggeration! Now, even when I step on the first front step to get in, no movement. It is hard work putting them on. The hard part, You have to lay on your back and drill many holes in thick plate with no real way to get leverage, so you end up using EVERY muscle in your body. Also, the self threading screws don't just zip in. I twisted the heads off two of them. It takes a lot of strength to hold a drill upside down drilling up and twisting the heads off a 5/16" screw. Found out after I screwed in all but the last two, that putting some oil on the tip of screw makes it cut much better. After a good 5 hours, I was done. Took two Alieve, tested it, smiled, and determined it was well worth the money and effort. Wouldn't have been so bad if this 56 year old was still in his 20's. thanks for everyone's comments!!!!